Tuesday, September 20, 2011

NBA Loses a Great Player for the 2011-2012 Season

J.R. Smith is an underrated guard and is often seen as just a streak shooter who should be coming off the bench. This would be true if you were someone playing behind Carmelo Anthony for a few seasons. Anthony is gone and J.R. Smith has developed a full all-star potential game.

He is now headed to China along with Teammate Wilson Chandler with no NBA out-clause, which will not allow them to play for the NBA this season if the season were to start.

Smith averaged 12 points in 24 minutes last season. If given the title of go to player and the right amount of minutes, this guy is an automatic all-star. Those who have watched him play has seen the acrobatic finishes and the sweet stroke from long range. At 26 years old and 6 feet 6 inches tall, this guy has the perfect height and atletic ability to be a star. We just won't see it in the NBA this season.

I am not looking forward to seeing other great players go oversees. Here are a couple videos to show the world what this guy has got.

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