Tuesday, October 18, 2011

NBA Lockout Hero: George Cohen ??

The Associated Press reported that George Cohen, who was also the mediator of the NFL lockout will try to mediate the NBA dispute.

His position as the Director of Federal Mediation and Concilation Service has not even given me the slightest bit of hope for this lockout to end. Cohen does have a nice resume though, helping out in dispute with the Major League Soccer and Major League Baseball. Unfortunately, every sport and the individuals within these sports are different.

The players don't need another rich official telling them what they need to do. Let us be real. A lot of these players come from broke down homes and communities and have people to feed. They are also the ones putting those ticket buyers in the seats. No one goes to watch owners eat popcorn in the presedential seating. The players and owners are asking for 53 percent of the revenue. It is reasonable for the players to get that that 53 percent because they out number the owners by a billion.

According to Derrick Fisher and Dywane Wade, the players aren't to blame. The owners probably feel the same way. This dispute isn't going anywhere, but i feel one of the sides have to show that this game is not for the money. This is for the fans and the love of the game and it is time to give up the money.

Hall of Famer Dennis Rodman believes the players should just give up. He thinks most players don't even care for the game, just the money. I can help but think that "money makes the world go round."

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