Tuesday, October 11, 2011

NBA Season?......Not Even Close......

Could we see another 1999 NBA season.  We could or maybe not even see an NBA season because according to ESPN's NBA insider Chris Broussard says both sides think they have leverage.  Rumors say NBA players want more money and owners are saying they are losing money. At this point, i really don't care who is lying. We need an NBA season.   

"It's not even close," said Broussard. 

The NBA has already canceled the first two weeks of the season.  According to Broussard, the commissioner David Stern feels if he canceled some games the players would give in and feel threatened, but Derrick Fisher encourages players to stay strong. It seems like that is the strategy for both sides and nobody will win if there is no deal because everybody is losing paychecks. The only player whose probably going to be making money during this lockout is Metta World Peace, formerly  known as Ron Artest. His Jersey will sell out to NBA fans like the game Call of Duty to video game fanatics.

All jokes aside, the NBA is a big business and fans aren't the only people who benefit from it.  People have jobs in arenas and jobs around the arenas that receive business from NBA games.  Sports bars will lose revenue from no NBA season.  I believe some unfortunate kids will start getting into trouble without having these NBA players to admire at night. 

Steve Nash of the Phoenix Suns doesn't believe that NBA owners and teams are losing money and is apologetic to the people. 

"Genuinely sorry to all the employees in and around NBA arenas losing work," said Nash on Twitter.  "Thanks for the overwhelming support today guys. You know we want to play & you understand the propaganda/misinformation from the owners."

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